G3 Leaders Resources

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G3 Overview
Study Guides
We currently do not have a G3 Part IV Study Guide. The questions for group discussion is at the end of each chapter of Leading in Faith.
Resources & Tools
Every G3 Group leader should emphasize the spiritual disciplines of prayer, reading God’s Word, scripture memorization, sharing one’s faith, and multiplying disciple-makers. Below are some tools and resources to better equip you to accomplish the task.
YouVersion Bible (www.bible.com) — a great resource for reading online / on your phone / keeping up & encouraging group members as they read along with you
GroupMe — a great tool to communicate with your group regularly in the form of group text messaging (cross-platform)
Marco Polo - another great tool to community with your group regularly in the form of video messaging (cross-platform)
FaithLife Study Bible — great for helping answer questions as you read
Scripture Typer — a helpful resource for scripture memory
Read Scripture App — ESV Bible w/ built-in reading plan, videos, and graphics
Echo Prayer — fantastic tool to schedule prayer reminders throughout the week
FaithPlay App — sermons and podcasts
Apple Podcasts or Google Podcast apps — subscribe and listen to “Making Disciples” by Robby Gallaty
Research & Study Tools
FaithLife Study Bible Online — great for helping with questions as you read
Got Questions? — great for helping answer questions as you read
Bible in 5 - 5-minute video overviews of each book/section of the Bible
The Bible Project - quick animated video overviews of Bible topics/books
The Gospel Coalition - resource archive by date, speaker, topic, scripture
Desiring God - resource archive by series, topic, scripture
Bible Gateway - useful commentary in the "show resources" link
ESV Bible - the search bar acts as a concordance
Blue Letter Bible - references, commentaries, Greek / Hebrew Lexicon
www.biblestudytools.com — helpful online Bible commentary website (Mostly Free)
www.replicate.org/what-is-a-hear-journal — journaling what God has spoken to you in His Word.
Replicate Ministry Podcasts — weekly discussions with Robby and Kandi Gallaty concerning disciple-making
If you come across resources that you think are helpful to G3 Group leaders, please email them to Paul Keating, our Discipleship Pastor and we’ll add them to this list.