Mother’s Day Out
What is MDO?
Our mission is to provide a Biblically-based, developmentally appropriate early childhood education program through an enriched environment that stimulates curiosity and learning while nurturing the child’s emotional, social, and spiritual growth. As a ministry of First Baptist Church, our goal is to teach children and families about the love of Jesus.
Our vision is to provide an exceptional Christian Early Childhood Program to families in our community. It is our desire that each family would recognize the importance of raising their children with Christian values and understanding the love of God. Our interactive program is designed to foster friendships and offer encouragement, growth opportunities, and support services for children and parents.
Mother’s Day Out Information
Mother’s Day Out is for ages
9 months-3 years old
Registration Fee (non-refundable) $250
$255 if paid online or at a Square Terminal
Two-Day Program (Tu/Th) $180/month
$185 if paid online or at a Square Terminal
Three-Day Program (Tu/W/Th) $200/month
$205 if paid online or at a Square Terminal
Prices Valid for the 2024-2025 school year.
9:00AM – 1:30PM
Download the forms below for more information:
Jennifer Vaughn
Assistant Director of Weekday Education
Phone: (225) 998-1083