FirstStudents Junior High exists to reach junior high students and families with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. As students grow deeper in their own personal faith, we disciple them to be devoted followers of Jesus. We prioritize student discipleship through student led worship, God’s word, small groups, and fellowship every week.

Contact Westley Wallace to learn more.

New Believer Class

New Believer Class

Parents and Students! We have a great opportunity coming up for you. If you have made a decision for Christ recently, we are having a New Believer Class in the gym here at First Denham! We would love for you to pick one Sunday to attend this class. We want to help you and your students in your next steps as a new believer in Jesus Christ.

Baptism Sunday

Baptism Sunday

We will have a Baptism Sunday coming up on March 30th! If you or your students recently made a decision for Christ, please attend one of these services at 9:30 AM or 11:00 AM. There will be a brief sermon on Baptism and you will have an opportunity to take this important step of obedience in baptism. Parental permission is required for baptism in either service time for junior high students.

Parents, make sure to read our Parent Pack for Centrifuge Camp this summer to know what’s happening and what to expect. Click the Register link now for registration. Check out the Parent Page for feedback from other parents about camp.

Join Our GroupME!

We use the GroupMe App to keep students, parents, and leaders engaged with important communication.

  • If you're a parent or student, and would like to join the GroupMe student group, search "FirstStudentsDS JH" on GroupMe.

FirstStudents Jr High meets Sunday mornings at 9:30am & Wednesdays for MidWeek from 5:30-7:30pm

FirstStudents HS meets Sundays at 9:30am, Wednesdays for High School Worship 7-7:45pm &
Sunday nights for Table Talk from 5-6:30pm

You can find the High School page HERE!

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