First Denham Missions
“How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!” -Romans 10:15 (NIV)

We want to vastly expand our missions efforts for the spread of the gospel to every people group on the planet and right here in Livingston Parish. We live in a lost world. Consider our world today:
Nearly a million people are plunging into a Christless eternity every single month in China alone
Millions of Syrian refugees are more open today to hearing the gospel than ever before
People groups who are not only unengaged and unreached but up until now have been totally uncontacted by the outside world
In view of these realities and opportunities, we don’t have time to stay stagnant, much less shrink back. The gospel is too good and our God is too great. We must do all that we can to see an ever-increasing, Christ-exalting, Spirit-filled force of men and women pursuing the nations for the glory of his name.
In Acts 6, Stephen is described as being full of faith (verse 5), grace (verse 8), power (verse 8), wisdom (verse 10), and the Holy Spirit (verses 5, 10). This picture describes our prayer as we partner together here at First Denham: that God would grant each of us individually and all of us collectively supernatural, Spirit-filled faith, grace, power, and wisdom to do whatever he calls us to do, no matter what it may cost us (Acts 7:54-60), for the spread of the greatest news in all the world to men, women, and children who have never heard it (Acts 8:4; 11:19ff.).
We're forging new pathways to reach people in Denham Springs and Livingston Parish. We're reopening old roads that we once walked as a congregation into international opportunities to share the gospel. The time is short. Let's not waste another week...