G3 Leader Events
We’re experiencing something momentous here.
I hope you feel it too. We’re seeing people encounter God’s Word and experience transformation change. We’re seeing many take the next steps such as rededicating their lives to Jesus or getting baptized. We’re seeing men and women put Christ first in their lives and the impact that is making on them and their families. We’re seeing new leaders emerge and the spiritual health of our church maturing. And I believe G3 Groups are a big part of the change that’s happening within our church. What an exciting time!
-Paul Keating, Discipleship Pastor
We need your help to continue this process!
Jesus’ method of discipleship was multiplication. To reach the world with the Gospel, He needed faithful men and women who would, in turn, begin to lead other faithful people. (2 Tim. 2:2) It may seem like a high commitment to invest in 2 or 3 people for a year’s time, but Jesus knew that faithful men and women don’t just appear, they are developed. That’s exactly what G3 Groups are designed to do—make disciples who make disciples. Anything less is not Jesus’ plan. (Matt. 28:18-20)
Are you ready to become a disciple-maker?
G3 Leader Events
We offer 3 leadership events for G3 Group leaders.
G3 Launch (For first time G3 Leaders) — Offered in January & August
Reach the Next Level (For those already leading G3 Groups) — Offered in April & September
Discipleship Round-Table (For those who have completed a G3 Group) — Invitation Only
G3 “Launch!” Training Event
Launch covers the following topics:
First Denham's Discipleship Pathway
How to Structure Your G3 Group
Helpful Tools and Resources for Your G3 Groups
Spiritual Disciplines Involved in G3 Group
Hurdles to Overcome
7 Essential Qualities of a Disciple-Maker
1. G3 Launch is for first-time G3 leaders AND individuals interested in learning more about G3 Groups.
2. If you’re looking to start a group but it’s not during January or August, email Paul Keating and he’ll set up a time to meet with you and get your G3 going.
Reach the Next Level
Reach the Next Level covers the following topics:
Group Dynamics
Vision Leak
Planting a Seed of Multiplication
3 Levels of a Disciple-Making Movement
G3 Wins
Discipleship Round Table
Discipleship Round Table covers the following topics:
Celebration of transformation stories
What works, what doesn’t?
What resources have been instrumental for you in the discipleship process?
How can we improve our approach?
Ways to champion G3 Groups going forward
This event is invite-only.

Take Charge of the Role Christ has Given You…
“And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others.”
2 Timothy 2:2 (NIV)