What are Grow Groups?
Grow Groups are a way to mature in your faith and explore how the Gospel informs our lives and empowers us to live daily for Christ.
Unlike Connect Groups that are open to anyone joining anytime and lesson content being approachable with no prior experience, Grow Grows build each week on the previous lesson to dig deeper and explore topics in more detail. For this reason, it is hard to join a Grow Group after a week or two.
Grow Groups are purposeful studies into specific topics to help Christians grow in their walk with God. Each study has a workbook to go through each week to further what is taught in each meeting with questions, scripture, and challenges to help you in your faith journey.
Grow Groups are always aimed at leading you to know and grow in your understanding and relationship with God.
Knowledge for the sake of knowledge is meaningless. (Phil. 4:9) God teaches us to change us—through renewing our minds (Rom. 12:2), through conforming our hearts (Rom. 8:29), and through living out our faith in real life (2 Tim. 2:2).

“So let us leave the first things you need to know about Christ [and] go on to the teaching that full-grown Christians should understand.”
— Hebrews 6:1 (NLT)

Fall 2024 Grow Groups
Start/Join a G3 Group!
G3 Groups are a special type of Grow Group focused on making disciples who make disciples. Find out more by visiting our G3 Discipleship Groups page.
Part of the Real-Life Journey at First Denham
We believe both Connect Groups and Grow Groups are essential to connecting into the life of the church
and growing in your relationship with God.
Find out more by visiting our Real-Life Journey page.