Welcome to First Denham!

Meet Pastor Leo
Welcome to First Denham! I’m so glad you’ve chosen to visit our site and get to know us as a church. We’re not a perfect church and I’m not a perfect pastor, but we serve a perfect God who deserves all the glory. If you’re looking for a church family, I'd love for you to come visit with us. Check below for service times and more information about who we are and what to expect.
Service Times
8:15AM | Traditional Worship
9:30AM | Modern Worship
11:00AM | Modern Worship & Kid's Worship
(Services are streamed on our Facebook and Youtube pages.)
Who are we?
Founded in 1900, First Baptist Church has been a part of the Denham Springs community for over 120 years. Our commitment to sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ is stronger than ever and we are focused on making disciples who make disciples. You’ll find that First Denham is much more than a building. First Peter 2:5 describes what we truly are at First Denham, “…living stones…being built up as a spiritual house…” Our desire is to fulfill the Lord’s vision for this church to become a Regional Life Transformation Center. We believe God is doing something special here and we’d love for you to be a part of His work with us.
If you have questions about any of the ministries of First Denham, we’d be more than happy to spend some time with you answering those questions and helping you to get connected. Our goal is to help every guest and member to connect in three ways:

What should I expect?
We know visiting a new place can be a little scary so we want to do everything to ease your concerns before you even pull into the parking lot.
We’re an easy-going crowd. We’re more concerned about building relationships than following prescribed rules and appearances. We love watching our children have a blast and you’ll often see children and students running around—and sometimes even adults! We love the life that comes when families and friends are together growing in their walk with God.
Our traditional service at 8:15AM features wonderful hymns & choir-led worship with biblically-grounded messages.
Our modern services at 9:30AM & 11:00AM feature contemporary worship songs you hear every day on the radio with biblically-grounded messages.
We have something for everyone. From the cradle to senior adults, we have a place for you in a vibrant atmosphere. And the best place for you to plug into our church is by visiting one of our Connect Groups.
Below you'll find information about where we're located and where to park.
Kids are a big deal here. Through dynamic lessons that engage children in story and crafts to interactive worship centered around communicating God’s forever truths, we are leading kids to know Jesus and follow Him. On Sunday Mornings, we have childcare available at 8:15AM, Kid's Connect Groups at 9:30AM, and Kids Worship at 11:00AM.
We are excited about what God has in store for our kids! Contact Niki Allen, our Kids Minister, for more details about our Kids Ministry.
Students are always in motion, and we want to direct their movement toward Jesus! God is doing awesome things in our student ministry and we want you to be a part of it. Junior High meets on Wednesdays at 6:00-7:30 PM and High School meets on Sundays at 7:00-8:30 PM. We also have Connect Groups for all students on Sunday mornings at 9:30 AM.
Big things are always happening with our students! Contact Jimmy Guidry for more details about our Junior High Ministry and Nathan Iblings about our High School Ministry.
For you to grow in your walk with Christ, the bible is clear that you need to be in community with other believers where you can be encouraged, loved, and challenged to grow in your walk with Him.
Connect Groups are the place you’ll find that community. We have Connect Groups for all ages. If you’re married, single, young, or mature, we have a place for you. These groups are the first step in connecting into the life of First Denham.
Contact Paul Keating, our Discipleship Pastor, for more details about joining a Connect Group.
Our Location
Visit Us
27735 LA HWY 16 (Pete’s HWY)
Office Hours
(225) 664-4102
If you’re our guest, we have special parking just for you! You’ll find guest parking in our front-center parking lot. We also have special parking for handicap-equipped vehicles and expectant mothers in our front-center parking lot.
For our seniors and physically challenged, we offer valet parking. Just drive up to the front door and we’ll take care of the rest!