Join us Sunday, January 9th, at 5 PM for our “Get in the Game” G3 Training Event.
Whether you are already leading a G3 Group or want to start one this year, this event is for you. (This training is required for any new G3 leaders.)
God does not call His church to sit on the sidelines; He calls us to make disciples. No matter who you are or what you do, this calling is universal to every follower of Jesus.
G3 Groups are a way to accomplish Jesus’ mission to “Go and make disciples”. We hope you’ll be part of this event.
What if I don’t want to lead a G3 Group but would like to attend?
You are more than welcome to come and find out what G3 Groups are all about.
Will we have childcare provided?
Yes, but you must let us know as you sign-up to be part of this event.
What will be discussed in this training?
First Denham's Discipleship Pathway
How to Structure your G3 Group
Helpful Tools and Resources for your G3 Groups
Spiritual Disciplines Involved in G3 Group
Hurdles to Overcome
7 Essential Qualities of a Disciple Maker
Signing up allows us to know how many people are coming and what childcare needs we may need.